Lake Institute on Faith and Giving, Lilly School of Philanthropy, Indiana University
Putting Humanity Back in Philanthropy
By Neill Coleman
November 2024
"A particular group of funders are charting the way towards a more human-centered approach, and religious faith is their motivation and guide to doing so."
How Funders can Bolster Direct Voter Engagement
By Neill Coleman and Melody Lopez
June 2024
"This year, GoVoteNYC is continuing to support this trusted messenger approach, while also asking: “What’s changed since 2021, and how do we need to adapt?” Here we’ll share what we’ve learned through a series of conversations with our grantee partners."
Philanthropy New York
It’s Time to Shut Down Government’s Unfair Treatment of Nonprofits
Reflections from Foundations on the Hill 2024
By Neill Coleman
May 2024
"However, it was clear from our conversations with congressional staff, what philanthropy can do is help ensure the billions of federal dollars that are disbursed... get to the people who need them most, and in an equitable way."
City Limits Hall of Fame 2023
October 2023
"When Neill Coleman founded his consulting firm, Mission Magnified, he set out not only to assist charitable foundations in using their resources most effectively, but to help them “think about how to engage with public policy in order to achieve impact at scale.”
Center for Effective Philanthropy
By First Walking Alongside, We Can Run Together
by Neill Coleman
October 2022
"These three approaches — capacity-building, convening, and championing — are not exclusive. Indeed, the heart of walking alongside our grantees is being open to hearing from our grantees what their needs are."
Trinity Church Wall Street
by Neill Coleman & Kate Mulloy
October 2022
"We’ve worked hard to put good systems in place and to develop strong, trust-centered relationships with grant partners. But we also know that we can improve—and that we need direct, honest feedback to do so—which is why we reached out to the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)."
Gotham Gazette
The Three Vs for Voter Engagement: Validators, Volunteers and Visibility
by Martha King, Patricia A. Swann & Neill Coleman
August 2022
"If our democracy is in peril, why aren’t New Yorkers voting like their rights depended on it?
In fact, within the seeming disconnect is a key part of the solution: building our democracy back up from the roots. From the block, to the neighborhood, to the city, and beyond."
The Imprint
New York Owes Nonprofits More Than A Parade
by Neill Coleman & Norah McVeigh
October 2021
"While we are proud to be able to use some of our resources to help these organizations keep the doors open and provide essential services, it should not be philanthropy’s role to pay city government’s bills."
Next City
Rescuing the American Rescue Plan
By Beatriz De La Torre, Neill Coleman and Susan Thomas
July 2021
"By deploying relatively small amounts of money, philanthropy can ensure... unprecedented federal resources make a huge difference in the lives of struggling Americans."
City & State
Episcopal Relief and Development
A Year of COVID-19: Response, Recovery and Resilience
By Neill Coleman
April 2021
"And it can sometimes feel that by supporting immediate relief—an imperative, not a choice—we are delaying and deferring long-term goals. Can we advance a goal of more girls in school when schools are closed? Or racially-equitable health outcomes when health systems are collapsing? But this is a false choice. Instead, we must respond to immediate needs in ways that also build justice for the future."
Crain's New York Business
Notable in Nonprofits and Philanthropy list
April 2021
Gotham Gazette
Ending the Hierarchy of Homelessness
By Neill Coleman
February 2021
"The need for a safe and secure place to spend the night and base our lives is universal. There should be no hierarchy in helping the homeless."
Inside Philanthropy
Hallowed Land: The World's Richest Episcopal Church Gets Serious About Giving
By Ade Adeniji
February 2021
"With such wealth at its disposal, Trinity Church Wall Street is also emerging as a significant philanthropic player, making grants totaling $33.6 million across 191 grants in 28 countries in 2020."
Trinity Church Wall Street
By Neill Coleman
January 2021
"As one of the oldest institutions in NYC, Trinity has played a role in responding to many challenging moments in the City’s history, from wars to fires, epidemics to 9/11. So once again, we are committed to supporting our city, this time through the COVID crisis and recovery. Indeed, Trinity has nearly tripled its NYC grantmaking in 2020."
Philanthropy New York
Ending Whack-a-Mole Philanthropy
By Neill Coleman
October 2021
"Too often in philanthropy we achieve progress or a reform, but don’t think to look around the corner. We thereby create - or exacerbate - another problem. It’s whack-a-mole philanthropy. Dismantling a structure or system without creating a healthier one just shifts the problem rather than fundamentally solving it."
Change Agent
By Neill Coleman
Winter 2021
Washington Monthly
By Neill Coleman
March 2016
Change Agent
Tell the World: Books as a Communications Tool
By Neill Coleman
December 2015
Stanford Social Innovation Review
By Judith Rodin & Neill Coleman
March 2015
School of Visual Arts
Global Guest Lecture Series
Neill Coleman: Leveraging Influence: How Communications Can Magnify Your Impact
September 2017
Frank Conference
Neill Coleman: Resilience Rising
March 2016